I always love mixing recordings done by Carlos Fuchs.
The sounds are so rich, warm and clear! I can tell he puts
the musicians at ease because they always play their best!


Multi Grammy Award - Recording and Mixing Engineer - Winner

The story of Carlos Fuchs commences in the 80s. He had his first recording and production room in Vila Isabel, Rio de Janeiro, a neighbourhood that was home to Noel Rosa, a game changer in Brazilian popular music around 100 years ago. It is at this time that he begins to collect the audio equipment that until today are a part of the unique toolset he uses to capture and shape the sound of the instruments and voices that permeate his vast discography.

 With the experience accumulated in this first studio, he opened the now mythical Tenda da Raposa in 1999, a mix of recording studio, residence, and meeting point for musicians, singers and friends, located in a mansion in the bohemian hills of Santa Teresa, in Rio de Janeiro .

 For two decades Tenda da Raposa has been a home of good music and great friendships. A reference in musical production and creativity in Rio de Janeiro, Tenda da Raposa bore witness to artists who define the concept of creative excellence,  experimentation and invention, without paying lip service to the rules & regulations

 There are countless memorable moments of pure emotion, where, as a musician and recording engineer, Carlos has had the privilege of being present at the exact moment of that spark of magic and creation that happens with great artists.

 In the second half of 2020, along with four other Portuguese recording engineers, he opens in Porto, Portugal, a complex of recording studios that offers the public the possibility of budget optimization through differently charactered studios, from the most economical, ideal for overdubs and voice overs, to one of generous proportions, equipped with, among other things, a vintage Neve 8068 console and a fantastic Fazioli F278 concert grand piano.

 From this moment on, he has even better surroundings to further obtain excellent results in both the recording/production, and mixing processes.


@ 2020 Carlos Fuchs